Good Practices in Global Competence Development within the International Baccalaureate Framework


Eva García-Beltrán

Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Madrid, España.

[email protected]


In a rapidly changing world, students must develop their global competence, which is the ability to understand, act and manage global and intercultural affairs. However, there is still no systematic description in the literature of how educational institutions should act to contribute to the development of this competence in their students. This study attempts to discover those organizational and teaching practices that foster an optimal climate for the development of global competence, based on a case study methodology from a center that is a reference in this field. Through qualitative research, the practices that have proven effective are identified. It is concluded that intelligent leadership that encourages both personalized learning and action-taking within a culturally diverse environment is key to global competence.

Palabras clave

education global competence leadership school managment

Cómo citar

García-Beltrán, E. (2023). Good Practices in Global Competence Development within the International Baccalaureate Framework. RECIE. Revista Caribeña De Investigación Educativa, 7(2), 105–127.


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Artículo de investigación

Biografía del autor/a

Eva García-Beltrán, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Madrid, España.
