Systematic Review of Scholarly Work on Social Class Identities in Second and Foreign Language Educational Contexts


Kevin López-Páez

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

[email protected]


This paper presents a review of scholarly work on social class identities (SCI) in second and foreign language (S/FL) educational contexts. Of the 94 studies identified, 31 were annotated. Thematic analysis was employed to identify trends elucidating where, what, and how SCI has been conceptualized, theorized, and methodologically designed. Inclusion criteria focused on SCI research in S/FL contexts, while studies examining SCI outside educational settings were excluded. Results indicate a slow-growing interest in SCI and critical theory, with a Europe-Western dominance. SCI has been approached as: a fixed category based on socioeconomic status determining educational and L2 learning factors; a performed sociocultural phenomenon grounded in individuals lived experiences; a process experienced by study-abroad and migrant individuals; and as an element of colonial difference. Research gaps include SCI examination in EFL contexts and from decolonial perspectives, highlighting the need for political action to subvert social inequalities and address colonial wounds related to socioeconomic issues.

Palabras clave

decoloniality foreign languages identities social class second language

Cómo citar

López-Páez, K. (2024). Systematic Review of Scholarly Work on Social Class Identities in Second and Foreign Language Educational Contexts. RECIE. Revista Caribeña De Investigación Educativa, 8(2), 127–149.


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Biografía del autor/a

Kevin López-Páez, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Kevin López-Páez es Licenciado en Inglés y Magíster en Didáctica del Inglés de la Universidad del Tolima. Lleva más de nueve años enseñando inglés y en este momento trabaja como profesor de inglés de medio tiempo en la misma universidad. Actualmente es candidato a doctor en un programa de doctorado en Educación, con especialización en el programa de posgrado de Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen la teoría de la clasificación social en ELT, las identidades de clase social en FLT, la justicia social y cognitiva, y la decolonialidad en ELT.