International Trends and Challenges in In-service Teacher Training for Educational Innovation


Francisco Imbernon

Universitat de Barcelona


In the last decades of the last century and, above all, in the first decades of the 21st century, there has been an increase in analyses and proposals for in-service teacher training in many countries. The need for teacher training throughout their academic life in this complex era of great changes and uncertainties, in which the dilemmas of knowledge and technology make ongoing teacher training an essential process in the professional development of teachers, is claimed and glimpsed. The article analyzes the concerns, evidences and some challenges of the theory and practice of in-service teacher training: training located in educational institutions for the development of innovation projects; relationships among teachers; emotions and attitudes, teaching complexity, communication and training with the community.


In-service teacher training teacher innovation teachers situated training training models training modalities teacher collaboration

How to Cite

Imbernon, F. (2024). International Trends and Challenges in In-service Teacher Training for Educational Innovation. Caribbean Educational Research Journal (RECIE), 8(1), 215–229.


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Author Biography

Francisco Imbernon, Universitat de Barcelona

Francisco Imbernón is Professor of Didactics and Educational Organization at the University of Barcelona. He has always been concerned about educational theory and practice in various fields and levels. This concern has led him, not only to develop tasks in initial training but also in the continuing education of teachers at all levels of education, and in the training of professionals from various sectors and trainers. He has received several awards and has published several books on pedagogical alternatives, teacher training, and various texts on educational issues. He is a member of several editorial boards and has published numerous articles in national and international educational journals. In the field of research, he is the director of several national and international research projects. He is director of the recognized group of quality research on teacher training, as well as visiting professor in several countries.