Culturally Responsive Teaching and Intercultural Bilingual Education: The United States and Latin Americas Proposals to Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
Today’s societies are characterized by cultural and linguistic diversity and schools are places where different groups meet. Two similar proposals in the United States and Latin America have emerged in this regard: Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) and Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE). This work of bibliographical review compares both paradigms using the Comparative Method. Specifically, it contrasts their goals, historical backgrounds, and language teaching aspects concerning the Second Language Acquisition field. There were found strong differences in all areas. Regarding the goals, CRT is mostly concerned about school performance, while IBE focuses on political-cultural revindications. About the historical background, CRT has been close to academia and IBE is mainly a result of social mobilization. In language teaching, CRT possesses a strong research tradition and solid scientific foundations. IBE presents scientific weaknesses and dispersion, as well as a lack of consensus. Regarding SLA, both paradigms are influenced by Commin´s notions of BICS and CALP and immersive bilingualism, Krashen’s hypotheses, and Vygotsky’s socio-cultural perspective and Zone of Proximal Development. The findings point out that these differences are related to the groups involved in the historical development and the way they emerged. Both paradigms should establish a dialog to strengthen each other.
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Cómo citar
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