Disruptive Technologies in Teaching English: A Comparative Study of Teacher Perceptions


Luis Felipe Casimiro-Perlaza

Universidad Austral de Chile



Torres-Daza Torres-Daza

Fundación Universitaria Unicatólica Lumen Gentium




This research aims to expose and compare the perceptions that in-service teachers in Chile and Colombia have about disruptive technologies in the teaching of English as a foreign language. The research was developed under the qualitative approach, with an exploratory nature, gathering information through documentary review, individual semi-structured interviews and a focus group. The results show that the lack of specialized, contextualized, equipment and monitoring techno-pedagogical training prevents English teachers from adapting and developing innovative and articulated teaching-learning strategies and activities in an environment mediated by technology. This constitutes an area of opportunity that leads to rethinking and reformulating educational policies and training programs related to English teaching as a foreign language.


English English instruction technology education English teacher education COVID-19

How to Cite

Casimiro-Perlaza, L. F., & Torres-Daza, H. F. (2023). Disruptive Technologies in Teaching English: A Comparative Study of Teacher Perceptions. Caribbean Educational Research Journal (RECIE), 7(2), 175–197. https://doi.org/10.32541/recie.2023.v7i2.pp175-197


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Research article

Author Biographies

Luis Felipe Casimiro-Perlaza, Universidad Austral de Chile


Torres-Daza Torres-Daza, Fundación Universitaria Unicatólica Lumen Gentium
