Inclusive School Leadership: State of the Art about an Ambiguous Concept


José Manuel Améstica-Abarca

Universidad Diego Portales-Universidad Alberto Hurtado


Inclusive education calls to transform schools, for which leadership is fundamental. As a key aspect for improvement, little is known about its role from inclusive and justice perspectives. This paper reviews international literature to understand inclusive school leadership, identifying its dimensions. Empirical and conceptual antecedents were analyzed, recognizing definitions of inclusive leadership, trends of research and emerging aspects from results. Literature shows that leaders answer to diverse types of exclusion, as it happens in the presence of special educational needs, migration, and the consequences of sociopolitical conflicts. In response, inclusive school leadership considers three dimensions: socio-ethical, institutional-educational, and relational-subjective. This exploration brings discussions to project research on this topic within the Chilean context.


educational leadership inclusive education school leadership school management inclusion

How to Cite

Améstica-Abarca, J. M. (2024). Inclusive School Leadership: State of the Art about an Ambiguous Concept. Caribbean Educational Research Journal (RECIE), 8(1), 167–189.


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Author Biography

José Manuel Améstica-Abarca, Universidad Diego Portales-Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Doctoral candidate at Diego Portales University and Alberto Hurtado University, Doctorate in Education Program.
My current research interests are related to educational leadership in relation to inclusive education and school transformation to adress diversity and social justice.